New Publication:
Understanding Routes to Road Network Peripheries
In our new paper, we characterize the routes to the peripheral locations of the road networks, the most highly inaccessible locations in the urban road network architecture.
R.C. Batac and M.T. Cirunay, Shortest paths along urban road network peripheries, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 127255, DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2022.127255.
The accessibility of the road network architecture is limited by the accessibility of the peripheries within the network. In this work, we study the shortest connections between these inaccessible sites, and found several categories based on length and betweenness centrality. The work is deemed to be an introductory step towards a better understanding of these "unimportant" nodes in the urban system.
Michelle Cirunay is a graduating doctoral student from the De La Salle University - Manila. As a senior member of the Complex Systems Group, her work is focused on characterizing urban environments, particularly the road networks and travel on them. Dr. Rene Batac, her research supervisor, has worked on various problems involving complex systems from the physics and modeling perspectives.