We quantify the emergent characteristics arising from the interactions of intelligent human beings, whether in a one-on-one or a group setting. The different aspects of human interactions in the social, political, and economic spheres, among others, are rife with complex signatures in the spatial and temporal domains. 

Co-authorship networks of a Physics department

Networks of Social Interaction

The dynamical interactions of intelligent individuals oftentimes happen inside a social network architecture. These networks of social interactions are themselves dynamical entities that evolve together with the individuals that form them. These patterns of behavior at the individual and at the network levels are interesting manifestations of complex behavior. 

Dispersing crowds after a parade

Collective Dynamics and Games

The collective decision making of socio-economic systems, composed of multiple interacting individuals with oftentimes purely personal and selfish intentions, is an emergent phenomenon. These collective action often arise out of local connections, and from individuals with different choices, conditions and thresholds, and criteria. Many such systems can therefore be modeled using games, where the emergent global characteristics result from strategic decisions at the individual level.