The group investigates the emergence of complex behavior in various systems in the physical, social, and virtual domains. These complex systems all have temporal and spatial or structural properties that can be analyzed using the tools of physics, mathematics, and computer science. The research works in the group are also geared towards understanding the complex systems in the Philippines. 

Complex, unpredictable behavior emerges out of simple, local interactions in self-organized systems. We use mathematical tools in characterizing the complex signatures of natural hazards such as landslides and earthquakes, and laboratory and computational models. 

The space and time signatures of cities can give an insight into the complex dynamical processes that led to their development. Beyond just the visual, qualitative analyses, we measure the spatial organization of cities across various time periods and provide a statistical picture of urban development for various city data sets. 

We quantify the emergent characteristics arising from the interactions of intelligent human beings, whether in a one-on-one or a group setting. The different aspects of human interactions in the social, political, and economic spheres, among others, are rife with complex signatures in the spatial and temporal domains.