Jude Maria V. Antenorcruz

Physics Faculty, Department of Physics, De La Salle University
Ph.D. Physics student

Contact Information
Department of Physics, College of Science De La Salle University - Manila 2401 Taft Avenue, Manila 0922 Philippines 

Jude Maria Antenorcruz is currently a Faculty Member of the Department of Physics, College of Science, De La Salle University. He is also a Ph.D. Physics student from the same Department. He graduated with honors from the De La Salle University with a degree in B.S. Physics minor in Economics and completed his M.S. Physics degree from the same department. His research work involves the measurement of the fractal nature of economic time series, as well as scaling relations in economic data.

Research Interests

Complexity of Economic Data: Time Series Analysis 

Stock Market Data: Efficient vs. Fractal Markets; Scaling Behavior in Economic Data


Journal Publications

Publications in Refereed Proceedings

Presentations in International Conferences


Doctor of Philosophy in Physics (2022-present; in progress)

Department of Physics, College of Science 

De La Salle University 

Research Supervisor: Dr. Rene Batac

Master of Science in Physics (2019-2022)

Department of Physics, College of Science 

De La Salle University 

Research Supervisor: Dr. Rene Batac

Bachelor of Science in Physics Minor in Economics (2015-2019)

Department of Physics, College of Science 

De La Salle University 

Research Supervisors: Dr. Maria Carla Manzano and Dr. Rene C. Batac