Michelle T. Cirunay, Ph.D.
Assistant Professorial Lecturer, Department of Physics, De La Salle University
Ph.D. Research Staff
Google Scholar profile
Department of Physics, College of Science De La Salle University - Manila 2401 Taft Avenue, Manila 0922 Philippines
Dr. Michelle Cirunay obtained her B.S. Applied Physics and M.S. Physics degrees from the National Institute of Physics in the University of the Philippines Diliman, and her Ph.D. Physics degree from the De La Salle University - Manila. Her research interests include city science and the complexity of urban dynamics. To understand cities, she uses a wide array of tools and techniques including GIS, image processing, network and statistical analyses.
Research Interests
Complex Systems: Cities, Road Networks, Urban Dynamics, Discrete Models
Research Tools: Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Video and Image Processing, Network Analysis, Statistical Analysis
Publications in International Journals
M.T. Cirunay and R.C. Batac, Evolution of the periphery of a self-organized road network, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 617, 128629, DOI:10.1016/j.physica.2023.128629 (2023).
M.T. Cirunay and R.C. Batac, Morphological and Fractal Characteristics of City Road Networks from Philippine Metropolitan Regions, Journal of Regional and City Planning 33(3), 386-404, DOI:10.5614/jpwk.2022.33.3.6 (2022).
R.C. Batac and M.T. Cirunay, Shortest paths along urban road network peripheries, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 597, 127255, DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2022.127255 (2022).
M.T. Cirunay and R.C. Batac, Spatial Signatures of Road Network Growth for Different Levels of Global Planning, Complex Systems 30(3), 273-296, DOI:10.25088/ComplexSystems.30.3.273 (2021).
C.D. Perlada, A.K. Orden II, M.T. Cirunay, and R.C. Batac, Quantifying the organization of urban elements through the statistical distributions of their spatial spreading metrics, accepted for publication in Physica A 568, 125717, DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2020.125717 (2021).
M.T. Cirunay, M.N. Soriano, and R.C. Batac, Preserved layout features embedded in road network development, Journal of Physics: Complexity 1(1), 015004, DOI:10.1088/2632-072X/ab7f4e (2020).
M. T. Cirunay, M. N. Soriano, and R. C. Batac, Analysis of the Road Network Evolution through Geographical Information Extracted from Historical Maps: A Case Study of Manila, Philippines, Journal of Advances in Information Technology 10(3), 114-118, DOI:10.12720/jait.10.3.114-118 (2019).
M.T. Cirunay and R.C. Batac, Statistical signatures of the spatial imprints of road network growth, International Journal of Modern Physics C 29(10), 1850099, DOI:10.1142/S0129183118500997 (2018).
Publications in Refereed Conference Proceedings
M.T. Cirunay and R.C. Batac, Shapes of Road-Bounded Blocks as Indicators of Degree of Urbanization, in Argyrakis Panos. (2020). CCS2020 - Conference on Complex System 2020 - Book of Abstracts. Presented at the Conference on Complex Systems 2020 (CCS2020), online: Zenodo.DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4419178, pp. 84.
M.T. Cirunay, R.C. Batac, and M.N. Soriano, Invariant statistical property throughout the road network evolution of Manila, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 37, SPP-2019-1F-05 (Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines: 2019). URL: https://paperview.spp-online.org/proceedings/article/view/SPP-2019-1F-05.
Michelle T. Cirunay, Maricor N. Soriano, and Rene C. Batac, Analysis of the road network evolution through geographical information extracted from historical maps: A case study of Manila, Philippines, 9th International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics. Bangkok, Thailand (January 2019).
M.T. Cirunay and R.C. Batac, Scaling of urban properties for Philippine cities, Proceedings of the 36th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines (2018). [link to article]
M.T. Cirunay and R.C. Batac, Modeling self-organized road network growth using nearest-neighbor routing rules with bearing, Proceedings of the 35th Physics Society of the Philippines Conference. Cebu City, Philippines (2017). [link to article]
M.T. Cirunay and R.C. Batac, Spatial metrics for characterizing the urban road networks of cities with different levels of global planning, Proceedings of the 34th Physics Society of the Philippines Conference. Iloilo City, Philippines (August 2016). [link to article]
C.D. Perlada, M.T. Cirunay, and R.C. Batac, Nearest-neighbor distributions of economic and administrative structures in representative Metro Manila cities, Proceedings of the 34th Physics Society of the Philippines Conference. Iloilo City, Philippines (August 2016). [link to article]
M.T. Cirunay, A.A. Paguirigan Jr., and R.C. Batac, Determination of Circularity Distributions of Two Representative Metropolitan Manila Cities, Proceedings of the 33rd Physics Society of the Philippines Congress. Vigan City, Philippines (June 2015). [link to article]
Presentations in International Conferences
M.T. Cirunay and R.C. Batac, Shapes of Road-Bounded Blocks as Indicators of Degree of Urbanization, Conference on Complex Systems 2020 (December 2020).
Michelle T. Cirunay, Maricor N. Soriano, and Rene C. Batac, Automatic 2D Correction for Georeferenced Historical Maps Using Contemporary Maps as Baseline Reference, Advanced Science and Technology Human Resource Development Program (ASTHRDP) Graduate Conference. Manila, Philippines (May 2019).
Michelle T. Cirunay, Maricor N. Soriano, and Rene C. Batac, Analysis of the road network evolution through geographical information extracted from historical maps: A case study of Manila, Philippines, 9th International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics. Bangkok, Thailand (January 2019).
M.T. Cirunay and R.C. Batac, Scale-free distributions of spatial metrics of complexity of metropolitan cities, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of the Republic of China. Kaohsiung, Taiwan (January 2016).
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics (2019-2022)
Department of Physics, College of Science
De La Salle University
Research Supervisor: Dr. Rene Batac
Master of Science in Physics (2017- 2019)
National Institute of Physics, College of Science
University of the Philippines Diliman
Research Supervisors: Dr. Maricor Soriano and Dr. Rene Batac
Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics (2012-2017)
National Institute of Physics, College of Science
University of the Philippines Diliman
Research Supervisor: Dr. Rene Batac